Month: September 2019

Easy To Follow Tips To Improve Your Point Sparring

Features In Point Sparring In Karate, sparring helps to maintain speed, timing and distance control. The two major categories of sparring are point sparring and full contact sparring. Among the two, point sparring prevents injury and allows to strike with full speed but only light contact. Good movement helps to avoid from being hit. It…

Training Tips For Competing In A Karate Tournament

Knowing About Elements That Will Push Your Win If you want to be a successful competitor in a karate tournament, you must remember the important elements that are part of a winning technique. These elements will get you ready to face your opponent anywhere, any time. Eye control – look where you are going Speed…

Body, Soul and Karate

The benefits for the body Basically, Karate defends you. It teaches to protect one’s own self and help others if needed. It is a wholesome workout for the total body. Training under a good sensei works its magic from the head to the toes. Every muscle is stretched, toned and fine-tuned. Regular training helps to…

The Tricks To Enhancing Concentration

The number of distractions students have these days are million. Therefore, the need to focus on and enhance competitive exam concentration has increased. In this brief article, we explore some of the tricks for the same. Every time you walk from your desk to the bathroom or your room to the kitchen, count your steps….

Increasing Your Concentration To Study Better For Competitive Exam

How do you enhance competitive exam concentration? This is one questions that every teacher, mentor, and scion of education in Chennai is asked again and again. The reason for it is apparent. Competitive exams like the CSE are a tough nut to crack. On top of it their syllabus vast. Combined, clearing the IAS exam…

Chopping the Block

The Knifehand Strike More than anything, we all want to witness a sensei or karateka break a wooden board or slash his fist into stacked tiles or bricks. Even children who are capable of this feat inspire awe. The common audience hushes itself into silence as trainees take stance before the formidable block of wood….